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Various Miscellany

A run-down on various items I have recently completed in a number of scales and periods...

6mm WW2 Searchlights 

6mm WW2 Smith gun (scratchbuilt, apart from crew)

6mm Traction engine

6mm WW2 Italian Armour

6mm WW2 Fairey Battle and Westland Whirlwind

6mm WW2 Fieseler Storch

6mm Renaissance Polish Tabor, with movable bits to change configuration

6mm Renaissance Polish Tabor, with movable bits to change configuration

The last of my 6mm DBR TYW Transylvanians, 'peasant hordes with arquebus'

...and an Ottoman Ally for the Transylvanians, starting with Sipahis...

...Anatolian sharpshooters...

...which with the help of a sabot,  can be changed to Segmen...


...and, of course, Janissaries, with arquebus to left and bow to right...

..another view of the Janissary arquebusiers

finally some 15mm Medieval artillery, this to complete various 'Saracen' or Mongol options in DBMM which require it

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