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Simple Pleasures

One of the things I do every morning is log onto the app Timehop on my phone.  It is one of my favourites as it pulls from social media posts from that date in past years.  As I usually tweet my blog posts, this one came up for me on Saturday morning.  Kim over at Kimberly Taylor Images had a series called "Simple Moments" and asked for guests to post on certain dates.  This was my post and since we were headed to the cottage that day ~ my words struck a chord with me.  I thought it was one of my best posts, so I thought I would share it again here for you.

Originally published May 30, 2012

I love the quote “you are responsible for your own happiness” so when Kim asked me to write a guest post about finding joy in the simple pleasures I was “in”!
Maybe it has something to do with getting older but I find myself stopping and looking around more often ~ trying to really see my surroundings.  Heading down the dirt road to the cape where the cottage is something I used to take for granted but not anymore.  I call it my little piece of heaven.  Knowing that there have been 5 generations travel on that same route makes me stop and smile ~ 5 ~ that’s amazing to me.
Our rustic little cabin nestled in the woods ~ milled from trees that Dad cut down with his father and brother.  The wood stove is our source of heat ~ perfect for a rainy or foggy night on the bay.  Smelling the fire and hearing the crackle of the flames takes me to a warm cozy place.
Going down the driveway and crossing the road and down the embankment to the beach.  Walking along and finding treasures ~ glass no longer sharp as it has been tumbled by the tides ~ the odd shell ~ and cool rocks of every shape size and color.  Come mid July the sandpipers will arrive ~ feasting on the mudflats while the tide is out and giving us an incredible air show when it comes in.  Grampy always called them the “peeps” ~ I watched them as a child and still sit and watch them in awe of their fluid moves ~ it truly is a site to see.
Not too far up the road is the farm ~ the place where my Dad was born.  I can spend so much time here ~ camera in hand ~ walking and just loving my surroundings.  Wildflowers in the field ~ my grandmother’s big rhubarb patch ~ the old hen house ~ the barn where we used to swing for hours ~ the blueberry fields and the best sliding hill around.  If you listen real hard you can hear music coming from the house ~ guitars and singing as a good old Maritime kitchen party kicks into gear.
They all spark a memory which wrap around me like an old well worn sweater and hug me tight.  That brings joy to my heart and sometimes a tear to my eye.

Other things that bring me joy are my 4 legged fur babies that always make me smile ~ a good book  ~ freshly cut grass ~ flowers blooming and knowing that vacation time is getting closer.

Happy Monday!

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