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Drive A Stake Into Graham-Cassidy

Although the third Republican Senator, Susan Collins (ME), has announced her "no" vote on the dangerous and ugly Graham- Cassidy bill probably killing it, it's worth calling Senators that still may be on the fence to run up the "no" vote. Alaska's Sen. Lisa Murkowski has voted consistently against repeal bills similar to Graham- Cassidy that demolish Medicaid and will cause millions to lose health insurance. Unfortunately, West Virginia's Shelly Moore-Capito has been susceptible to bribery: on the last vote to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, she took a multi-billion dollar bribe for opioid treatment programs in her state. Now that Graham- Cassidy has eliminated the opioid "West Virginny Gimme," let's help Capito muster some courage and vote for the bill's inevitable defeat.

In a final push, call these Senators (and your own Rethuglican Senators in particular) and urge them to add their votes to defeat Graham- Cassidy. Be firm but polite, and help put a decisive stake in the dark heart of that bill.

Murkowski:  202/224-6665
Capito:          202/224-6472

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