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The League of Extraordinary BloggersSaturday Matinee

Here is my first foray into the "League of Extraordinary Bloggers" headed up by the "Cool and Collected" blog, which I highly suggest you check out. Each week they will propose a blogging idea in the realm of pop culture, movies, toys, music, what have you. Here is this weeks topic. (I may refine how I post this with less explanatory stuff, but as this is the first of this kind I felt it necessary.)

"What movie is, or was, your “go to” Saturday matinee — the comfort movie you always popped into the VCR on a rainy Saturday afternoon, the movie you watched over and over again, driving your parents crazy while you recited the lines along with the characters on the screen?"

I would say that if there was one flick I've seen a million times and can pretty much watch anytime of the day now and then it's the original "Fright Night" from 1985. My dad originally rented it for a sleepover birthday party when I was 9 or 10 yrs old. The first time I saw it, it captured my imagination. It has a very re-watchable story, fantastic performances for the various roles the film calls for, great practical effects and a superb score by Brad Fiedel. It, basically, is to me a perfect movie. I'm a huge fan of the 80s era of films, that those who know me through Twitter and readers of this blog know, given my soundtrack selections. I must say one of the more memorable moments of the film is when Jerry Dandrige claims a female escort victim as seen through the eyes of his high school student neighbor, Charley Brewster. Charley sees Jerry disrobe the young woman and there were howls of excitement from my young friends. Real live breasts on screen! All guests' eyes were fixed to the screen, with the exception of my mother who was busy asking my dad "WHAT did you rent for the boys?!?!" Good times... good times.

I've written a full length review of the film on my companion site to this blog Sideshow Cinema that you can check out. (Ahh the pimp in me lives to promote my wares!)

Check out some other bloggers Saturday Matinee Favorites:
"Thundarr was my gateway drug, but then along came Dar and I was hopelessly hooked on the barbarian barbituate."

"I didn’t have a lot of VHS tapes growing up but the two I watched quite often were 'Star Wars' and 'The Goonies'. Actually, every summer I would watch 'The Goonies' on the last night before school would start or as close to it as I could get."

"Without a doubt the biggest cornerstone movie of my childhood would have to be Raiders of the Lost Ark."

"While you might expect me to take this question and set off on another Karate Kid or Ferris Bueller tangent, my go-to movie wasn't either of those... but 1985's "Poison Ivy".

Geek Chunks:
Since I didn’t really have any friends to actually go outside and play with it was all movies, movies, movies for me and Saturday was no exception. It was hard to pick just one movie so I picked the one that popped into my head first. Weird Science!

"It was something I watched countless times on HBO, and was one of four films (including Rad, The Monster Squad and Transformers the Movie) that I religiously rented from video stores every weekend.  Most importantly, it's a film that I never tire of and one that I've never discussed on Branded before. That film is Red Dawn."

Now I know, you're all out there expecting me to pull some monster movie out of my hat since that is what this blog is primarily about (my love of monsters, not hats or magic tricks involving hats) and I hate to disappoint you all. I mean I could say it's Destroy All Monsters, House of Frankenstein or Phantom of the Paradise...but it isn't.
It's Yellow Submarine.

Pendragon's Post:
"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was the first Indy flick I saw. Being an only child, I got to go to the movies with my parents fairly often, and even the PG-13 rating didn’t keep me from meeting what would become my crush and my hero."

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