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[Event] Nuffnang's 6th Birthday Bash @ Lust, KL ❤

Based on the title above, I guess all of you know what am I going to blog about right now.. I know it's pretty late to blog about but it's better be late than never right? Hehe. :P

Anyway just to share with you guys what I had done for the past few weeks. I attended CNY ChurpOut with Churp Churp (you can read the post here.) and a week after I attended the Nuffnang 6th Birthday Bash which was held at Lust, KL. Thank you Nuffnang for the invitation!

Lust, KL
Registered myself at the registration counter and received non-alcoholic beverage coupon, Heineken beer coupon, a Deezer activation code and goodies bag too. Thanks to Melvita, Lotte Co., Hermo.my, Shokubutsu Active Guard and Getha for the cool items! Not forgetting thank you Nuffnang for the awesome 6th Birthday Bash badge as well! Yay! 

Registration Counter
Goodies bags
Limited edition badge from Nuffnang for 6th Birthday Bash! *wide grin*
We got to write down our birthday wishes for Nuffnang on the wishing wall and also had our photo taken at the photo wall!

Stephy was writing her wish for Mr Stickman!
Some random blogger was writing his wish too.
A shot of Stephy and I was taken using my camera at the giant photo wall! 

I thought I was late for the event. But thank god the clear road, I managed to reach on time. I guess everyone must be wondering who is the person in the photo above? Right! She is my new blogger friend whom we met in DiGi Graffiti Blogger Workshop last year and somehow we just clicked together and now we are close! Thank you babe Stephy for accompanying me. =) 

Here's a shot of us: Stephy and I with DiGi crew photobombed our photo. Lol!
As this is my first time attending Nuffnang Birthday Bash, definitely it would be a little awkward for me as I do not know any of them. Partly because I am shy as well.

Super thanks to DiGi for the colourful props and balloons all around the place.

There was this memory game for bloggers where we were required  to guess the album of the song that was played by the crew and pick the album that were displayed on the board to get a mystery gift from DiGi.

Both Stephy and I joined the game and I won a DiGi mug while Stephy won a giant Mr Yellow Man DiGi paper clip. Cool! =D Each balloons was tied to a board of blogger's name and the title of the song that was going to be played during the party. I personally did not hear the song that I picked for the party but I was happy to have my name written on the board! Whee.

Song that I had picked: Party All Night by Sean Kingston.
Colourful balloons everywhere!

Later Boss Tim gave his speech and there were a few performances on that night. I personally love the performances from HalfPast6 and thanks to our beloved emcees, Isabella and Kevin from Traxx FM's The Morning Zoo for hosting the night. Both of you were really good! Love how you made us laugh that night! There were a lot of food and beverages served on that night too.

There were also some games and lucky draw on that night. Here are some the photos taken that night. Credits to Stephy for the ossum possum pichas.
Miss Nisa Kay won her holiday treat from the lucky draw. Congrats!

It was time for cake-cutting ceremony and Boss Tim was invited to cut the cake. The 3-tiered cake caught our attention because it was really attractive!

Boss Tim with the colourful 3-tiered cake.
Attractive 3-tiered cake for Nuffnang 6th Birthday Bash with custom Beat headphones!

Nuffies were invited to the stage to take group photos with Boss Tim and they posed with Mr Stickman's pose.

Managed to take a few photos with my favourite bloggers, Cheesie, Audrey and Boss Timothy too. Thank you!

Boss Timothy and I. Sorry for the oily face of mine cause I was sweating terribly that night. The weather was way too hot.
Cheesie and I. She is super skinny. *jelly*
Another shot taken with Cheesie in portrait view.
With Stephy and Cheesie.
With Audrey too. She is so petite! I feel so huge standing beside her. =/
I made new blogger friends during the party. I had so much with the girls! Here's a few shots taken with mua blogger friends on that night. 

I was posing with my balloon with Michelle, my new blogger friend.
Stephy, Michelle and I
L-R: Michelle, Kah Mon, Chui Kien, Siew Cheng, Stephy and Yours Truly

If you guys do realize, my hair was straight and long during the photo wall session and turned into big curled hairstyle during the photo session with mua new blogger friends. This is it! number76style had their styling booth at the VIP area where all the bloggers can look pretty during the birthday bash! Isn't that cool? 

Thank you Mr Odera and Miss Amy for the awesome hairstyle that you had done for me.

That's me in big curls. Thank you number76style! :D

The event ended at 11 pm sharp. My legs were terribly tired because I stood for the whole night with my 3-inch-heels. The last night I wore my 3-inch-heels for the whole day was a year ago and right now I got used to wearing sandals and flats except for work, I was wearing wedges at all time.

Ahhh~~ Back to the topic. Definitely I had a great time with Nuffies and the bloggers. Hope to join the event again next year.

A photo of myself with the Wishing Wall, goodies bag and my balloon. *yay*

Special thanks to the official sponsors DiGi, Heineken and Lust KL for a memorable night with Nuffnang!

Before I forgot, here's the items that I got in my goodies bag. Yay!

The  awesome items in the goodies bag!

The DiGi mug that I had won in the DiGi memory game! Cute right? Hee.
Last but not least, a photo of yours truly on that night with her curls before she washed it off.

Thank you Mr Odera from number76style again!
P/s: Missed my St Patrick's Day event last night due to some unforeseen circumstances at my workplace. Sobs. Hope to join  the event again next year! I want the T-shirt! =(

lotsa love,

❤ Follow me at
Instagram - @janicemonteith
Twitter - @janicemonteith
NuffnangX - janiceyeap

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