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Talent excites. Talent enthralls. Talent inspires.

Witnessing outbursts of rare talent repairs the damage caused to the brain by commercial mediocrity.

Being intolerant of any form of cliché, I live for the Unique, the Unexpected and the Out of the Ordinary. Walking home on a cold and snowy day I glanced at the windows of a getting-ready-to-be-closed-for-the-night gallery. Unable to tell exactly what it was from the distance, I crossed the street to take a closer look and



my eyes…

“THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH” – sculptures by Al Wadzinski.
Zoomorphic assemblages created from found objects of various sources – aka garbage - used car tires, worn-out footwear, forks, dolls, baseballs, golf bags, keys, restaurant trays and many more - all blended in and miraculously transformed into magical circus creatures:

A picture is worth a thousand words. Seeing the enchantment with your own eyes is worth a million pictures.

The Greatest Show on Earth
Sculptures by Al Wadzinski.
December 17, 2009 – February 6, 2010
NY Studio Gallery
154 Stanton Street @ Suffolk,
New York, NY 10002

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